your showroom
free your cashflow
Get quick access to reliable floor stock financing with us.
1 m+
Car Loans Approved
100 %
Approval Rate
100 %
Guaranteed Best Loan Rate
98 %
5-Star Review
Take it easy
For floor stock disbursement

Log into the Teck Wei
Credit Portal

Upload required documents
and submit reques

Receive email instructions
to complete the process

Sign agreement
For floor stock redemption

Log into the Teck Wei
Credit Portal

Upload required documents
and submit request

Verify redemption
statement sent via email

Make full statement
Paperwork pitstop
Get these documents ready.
- Purchase agreement with both sellers’ and buyers’ signature and company stamp (if applicable)
- Log card
- Seller details (NRIC/ACRA)
Full settlement authorised letter
(if applicable)